Plate 50

"As afraid to touch money as if it were poison"


Moriae Encomium

Illustrated by Hans Holbein the Younger




Single Greeting Card (with matching Envelope)

Code: H ME50 SGC
Price: US$5.00

Reproduction on 8x12" sheet

Code: H ME50 8x12
Price: US$30.00

Reproduction on 12x18" sheet

Code: H ME50 12x18
Price: US$60.00


Holbein's illustration shown in Plate 50 from Moriae Encomium is associated with the following text drawn from

John Wilson's 1668 translation:


And among these there are some so rigidly religious that their upper garment is haircloth, their

inner of the finest linen; and, on the contrary, others wear linen without and hair next their

skins. Others, again, are as afraid to touch money as poison, and yet neither forbear wine nor

dallying with women.



The associated French text from L'Eloge de la Folie (1728) follows:


Il en est parmi ces Reverends, qui montrent l'habit de pénitence & de mortification; mais qui se

gardent bien de laisser voir leur chemise fine: d'autres, au contraire, portent la chemise sur

l'habit, & la laine dessous. Les plu réjouïssans, à mon avis, sont ceux qui, à la vue des especes

mon-noyées, reculent comme à celle d'une herbe venimeuse: Otez, ôtez, se recrient-ils, nous ne

touchons point l'argent. O les Cassards!